Saturday, October 10, 2009

Philippine Flood Relief

Some days I just feel jinxed computer wise and then I think about all the world is going through and know how small my problems are. I've been trying to get pictures out to people today. It has been a challenge to say the least. I started here on this blog. Nothing would show except the video in the blog post below.

So I turned to email and worked to get the pictures in the mail only to find out it was 11 MB and would not go through. So I split it up and set two parts to go out. They hung up in my mail and didn't transmit. I finally got one of them to go out, only to find out the pictures don't show.

So I came back here to try again and after about 20 min I got pictures to show. I tried to see if I could get the pictures to show a little larger, clicked one and lost the entire blog post. I am jinxed!

But my worries and troubles don't even come close to comparing to what the folks in the flooded areas of the Philippines are going through, so without further whining I am gonna try once more to get pictures here with captions.

If you got the email without the pictures, hopefully you can see what went with the captions now. The video I mentioned is in the blog post before this one.

Mr. Manny, Chris's music teacher unloading 400 lbs of rice from our vehicle:

Packing up food kits to hand out. Mr. Manny keeps a list of who he has given kits to and when so he makes sure he is getting them to different families each time. I asked how they deliver them and the answer is the word goes out to the people and they come to Manny's house to pick up due to conditions. Each kit has 2 lbs rice, a can of sardines, and a cup of instant noodles. This is to help the family out for the week:

The entrance into the flooded areas. This is about one block from Mr. Manny's house. These are people able to still be in their homes, others are completely displaced. Note the bamboo poles laying in the street, you will see what they are for in future pictures.

Mr. Manny arranged for someone with a boat to take Johnnie out to see the streets where the people who are receiving the kits are living. The man in the picture is lining the boat up to move through the street. As you can see, two weeks later the water is still up to his waist and this is the area where conditions are considered good.

More to follow in another post.


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